Wednesday, July 13, 2005

how it all began

I thought I would explain to you all how Plush You! started. I decided to do this show but didn't know too much about how to get people involved in this event. I had a small group that was interested but I was not satisfied. So I wrote to Claire Robertson,mastermind behind and creator of these super cute cats. She posted the event on her site and the next day I got to work and had over 50 emails about the show. It was hard to turn anyone down because all the pictures I saw of everyone's work was so wonderful. So now my tiny store will be the home for over 50's plushie creations. People are participating from all over the world which I feel is the most exciting part. As things arrive, I feel panic at first, wondering how I am going to get it all done, but then everything has come together thus far so I just got to do what I do and hope for the best. The amazing knitted robots are from Jess Hutch.
Ben Harper is playing at The Moore tonight so business is slow. Thanks to a big semi parked out front blocking our store fronts. At least his crew has been really nice.
Have a good day.


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