Thursday, August 04, 2005

Corinne and Heidi

Hi Again. SO if it were up to me, I would be at a beach and not at work. It is way too hot today and I feel miserable. My allergies are acting up and I don't like hot hot heat (i do not mean the band). To try and keep my mind off the fact that I am slowly melting away, I thought I would post some more plush wonders.
First up is work by Heidi Estey. She is a local Seattle resident and a former coworker of mine. She has no website but she really should. Her stuff has been selling all over town and even though you are against the internet, gets you work!
Second up are these deliciously lookin' apples which pay homage to three different stories, Snow White, Story of Creation, and from Greek Mythology. They are created by Corinne Dean. Check out her site to see all the other work she does.
Now what shall I get for lunch?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Heidi does have a websie now.
It is

6:14 PM  

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