Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm back!

Hey!! So I was out of the game for awhile there. Sorry about that. Had an elbow injury that made me one armed for a little while there and also I have just been way too busy. But I really want to get more plushie goodness out there to you all.
The donut is from the wonderful Sewdorkycreator, Stuart Bloomfield. I have actually sold these felted donuts since Schmancy opened. IN FACT, the first item I sold was a donut, September 2nd.... it was a very exciting day for me. I love Sewdorky, his website, and the maker...he is a great guy. It has been great fun to see all the great things that have happened to him and his donuts! So there is a new item he has made that is undisclosed right now that will be at the show. I now know what it is, he's gonna be famous soon.
The other item is from Jane Michna. They just arrived the other day and every time I eat them i want to run down to the market and get something creamy and delicious.
I feel like this is the final countdown. More soon.


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