Friday, September 02, 2005

Schmancy's birthday!

Today is the day Schmancy made it's first dollar! It was an exciting moment in Schmancy history! To celebrate in my own Schmancy way I decided to buy myself, on Schmancy, something nice. I have been needing a digital camera for sometime now. My sister takes all my pics for the website and ads. But she is a busy woman and I need stuff on my site a lot faster so I got a camera. Other good uses for a digital camera are to take pics of things for my blog!
My friends gave me a card to a local bookstore, Bailey/Coy Books, so I went there this morning and got Happy Kitty Bunny Pony. I have been eyeing it forever and think it is so cute. I have a lot of old chilrens books and all the images remind me of easter, childhood, and Cleveland.
Schmancy was one of the fastest, least thought over, ideas I have ever had. It makes me realize how those can be the best decisions to make. I talked about it with Sally, left at 6:00 to go get a drink with some friends, told them all, went out for another drink to celebrate, called my parents the next day to gauge their response, they were happy and very supportive, got more excited, had the lease two days later! Painting started shortly after with the help from various friends. Finally September 2nd I sold my first item which was a sewdorky donut. And the rest I guess is history.


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