Saturday, July 23, 2005

birds and pigeons

So I am trying to get to everyone before the show. Since I was too busy yesterday to post I thought I would do two today. For those of you who are actually reading this.....if you haven't seen yours up I can either not steal a pic. from your site or just have not gotten to it. I will!!
These two are from Emerald and Kate Sutton. I thought birds and pigeons went well together.

It keeps coming

Yesterday was the last day to get stuff in for this book for the Plush You! show. I got to work and there were box loads of items. I will try to get those people that are late in. But I won't be able to promise anything. I do finally feel like things are getting under control which is really nice! Last night we went down to the new space and started painting. Sally decided to keep Fancy where it is and we will make the new space Pants. This makes a lot of sense for many reasons but now it really feels like things are happening. It's starting to make me feel a little freaked.
These next pics are from Monique Duke and Mai Le.
The things that have been arriving are just so so good. I can't wait for this! I sent out press releases today. One thing down.
See you all soon!

Wednesday, July 20, 2005

Since I'll be gone tomorrow.....

Since I'll be at my good friends, Nikki and Nelson's wedding tomorrow, I thought I would post one more. The Punk Is Not Dead sockmonkey is from Clarity Miller. She lives in Anacortes, WA and has been up to the store once. I have seen her work at various places in town and at I Heart Rummage. I was excited that she made some new stuff for the show that she found exciting. I love that a lot of artists have been excited about the show and use it as a way to break away from their regular work.
The other picture is from Jenny Harada. I think her work is really great. I love this kitty she sent for the show. It is really cute!
Yeah for weddings and days off!!!! Until next time.
xo, schmancy

children and pickles

Some more pictures to view as a preview to Plush You! Today I got a decorative box and inside was the work by Lizette Greco. The tags are lovely and remind me of art work my mom has saved by my sister and myself. Her work is inspired by her childrens' drawings and the results are these very imaginative creatures!
Mr. Pickles is a brother/sister collaboration. Rita Volpi lives in Columbus, Ohio (my home state) and her brother, Jack, lives in Chicago. They came up with this idea to have a pickle, who wears glasses, go on adventures, etc. They have a really fun website! Check it out! They sent some Plush Meats which are hilarious. My great friend, Trish, in Cleveland, calls me ham slice. I think I have a plush in mind for her.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Here are two more pictures of work for the show. First is from Lisa Congdon. She will be sending her birds for the show and then the following month, she will be having her own art show at Schmancy.
The other picture is from Heidi Kenney. I can't wait to see her toys. I purchased a "take a chance on me" painting from her a long time ago now and it's hanging up in my hallway at home. She has a cute website and her stuff is great!
Sorry I didn't post for a few days but I finally got a regular employee, Ross. So now I have time to work more on the show and try and get Pants in order. Did you know I am opening up a store with Sally Brock? bye

Saturday, July 16, 2005

Sara and David

Here are a few images of the kind of work that will be in Plush YOU! I got the Circus Punk off of David Huyck's website. I have become a fan of Circus Punks They remind me of being a kid. I want to take my friend Nelson on the roller coaster at the Seattle Center before his wedding. I was reminded of that last night when i went on the Monorail for the first time. It was pretty fun but a bit scary. I just don't think it seems all that sturdy. Anyways when you walk over to the Seattle Center from the drop off you walk over the carnie rides and games. I gots to go. Maybe on a rainy day it would be less busy. So any time this summer should be good considering we have had a bad summer so far!
Anyways the next picture is from local artist, Sara Lanzillotta of Devout Dolls. I have seen her stuff for a long time at I heart rummage. I can't wait to see what she has for me for the show.
have a good day!

Friday, July 15, 2005

out of the country

Here are a few more people for the show. Minoji is from Japan. I visited a friend a few summers ago and shopped in Brooklyn at Mini Mini Market. I bought a few of Minoji postcards. When I got back, I hung them on my wall and couldn't stop looking at them. They are all so colorful and fun. So when I opened up Schmancy I contacted Kristen at Kamibashi. Kristen has become my friend via internet now and is doing a lot of great things with her business. Minoji decided to do some toys for the show that just arrived today! They are just like her cards, colorful and fun. I love them.
The other picture is from Tristan Jalleh from Australia. I have not gotten his work yet but I am in anticipation.
Today is my day for getting stuff super organized for the show. I went out with my dear friend Anna last night who will be helping me get this all together. She is some great ideas and has helped to put my mind at ease. Thanks Anna!!

Thursday, July 14, 2005

plush you postcard

Here is the postcard that my fantastic friend Nikki did for me ONE WEEK before her wedding!!!! I love her and love the postcard so much. It's on it's way to the printers. I hope everyone likes it. I love it. Thank YOU Nikki!! You are the best.

More Goodness

Here are a few more pics of the sort of items that will be in Plush You! The blue bunny is by Camilla Engman and the other blue bunny/sea monster guy is from Amy Rue.
Also if any of you have suggestions for art galleries in your city, please send them along. I am helping a few artist friends get shows out of town and need more suggestions. I am getting a bit obsessed. Any suggestions would be much appreciated!

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

how it all began

I thought I would explain to you all how Plush You! started. I decided to do this show but didn't know too much about how to get people involved in this event. I had a small group that was interested but I was not satisfied. So I wrote to Claire Robertson,mastermind behind and creator of these super cute cats. She posted the event on her site and the next day I got to work and had over 50 emails about the show. It was hard to turn anyone down because all the pictures I saw of everyone's work was so wonderful. So now my tiny store will be the home for over 50's plushie creations. People are participating from all over the world which I feel is the most exciting part. As things arrive, I feel panic at first, wondering how I am going to get it all done, but then everything has come together thus far so I just got to do what I do and hope for the best. The amazing knitted robots are from Jess Hutch.
Ben Harper is playing at The Moore tonight so business is slow. Thanks to a big semi parked out front blocking our store fronts. At least his crew has been really nice.
Have a good day.

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Plush You!

People are starting to send their plushies for Plush You! which is going to be here from August 12th until Sept. 9th. Here are a few pics of the kind of stuff that will be here. The three robots are from Wendy Crabb and the dolls are from Mia Hansen. I will put up more pictures up periodically. I can't wait!!

Friday, July 08, 2005

Jenna Colby

Here's another picture of Jenna's work. hope to see you all this evening despite the rain. BOOOO.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

art opening

Hey! Just a freindly reminder that tomorrow starts Jenna Colby's art show. Her art work is amazing and she will be joining us for the festivities. It will be from 6:00 to 9:00 and don't forget that it is also the Belltown Sidewalk Sale. So walk around Belltown and stop at shops such as Fancy, Velocity, Damsel, Heather Joy, Ian, and other great stores for great discounts.
If you are in Pioneer Square tonight, stop by my table and say hello.
xo, schmancy

Wednesday, July 06, 2005


I am reading Cruddy right now by Lynda Barry. I highly suggest reading it! I love it. Sorry, not much to say today. It's been slow and sort of boring around here lately. Making jewelry for first thursday in Pioneer Square. Yahoooo

Saturday, July 02, 2005


My momma and daddy-o are off to Ireland FINALLY tomorrow. I am so happy for them that they are finally going over there! I hope you guys have a lot of fun and be careful with the booze! I know how you guys are. Send me a postcard! I love you.

My friend Lisa

SO tomorrow is Lisa's birtday party in Cleveland! Her birthday was almost a month ago but since I wasn't blogging at the time, I thought I would take a moment to say Happy Happy Birthday girl! We have been friends since Brownies and we'll be friends until the end. I wish I could be there to share this event and pitch in for that walker you'll be needing but since I can't, I promise to help you waddle around when we get old. Love you!


Here is another picture of the visionaire toys. Come visit me and see them for yourself!

Friday, July 01, 2005

V45 toys

Here is a picture of the new visionaire toys. They are pricey but worth every penny. If you are interested in getting either set, yellow or blue, email me at